
Why Am I Seeing Spider?

The biggest reason you are seeing spiders in your home is becauce you have other bugs. Spiders feed on other smaller insects, and tend to set up shop where there is plenty of food. The spider population is also increasing in your home because you have the shelter they need to survive and lay their eggs.

How Do Spiders Enter My Home?

The most common way spiders will enter your home is through:

      • Improperly sealed door and window screens.
      • Cracks in door frames, window frames, and the foundation of your home.
      • Boxes from storage 

Where Should I Look For Spiders?

The most common areas are dark, moist places so…

      • basement
      • Attics
      • Crawl spaces
      • Closets

Signs Of A Spider Infestation

Spider infestations are more difficult to fight than some other infestations because of the way they reproduce. There are likely egg sacks you can’t, and once they hatch, the infestation begins again. 

The following are the most common signs you have a real infestation problem:

      • Spider burrows found in your home
      • An increase in the number of cobwebs found in your home
      • Frequent spider bites showing up on members of your household

Common Spiders In Northern Utah

      • Desert recluse
      • Hobo Spider
      • Black widow
      • Golden huntsman

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