
Why Am I Seeing Cockroaches?

The #1 reason is Moisture. Roaches need moisture to survive and this search for water will bring them into even the cleanest of homes. Leaky pipes and faucets are one of the most common attractants for cockroaches and is one of the main reasons you often see them in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. 

How Do They Get In My Home?

Cockroaches have developed the ability to use even the smallest of openings as an entryway into your house. They can come in through cracks in the exterior walls, dryer vents, or even the gaps between walls and floors.

Why Call The Professionals?

At Experience Pest Control, we know how they get in so we are able to treat those areas quickly and effectively. Our treament limits the amount of destruction these pests can do to your home, business, and reputation.

Signs Of A Cockroach Infestation

      • The presence of cast skins or cockroach carcasses.
      • A musty or strong odor present in your home.
      • Oval-shaped egg cases in and around your home.
      • Sightings of cockroaches during daylight hours.
      • Cockroach feces.

Most Common Cockroaches In Northern Utah

      • American Cockroach
      • German Cockroach
      • Oriental Cockroach

Dangers Of Cockroaches

      • Bacterial transmission that results in food poisoning.
      • Serious diseases such as strep, staph, hepatitis, dysentery, and typhoid fever.
      • Contamination of food, water, utensils, and other food preparation areas.
      • The loss of customers and employees due to lack of trust.
      • Anywhere from temporary to permanent closure of your business.

We Can Help!

Contact Experience Pest Control to get rid of your cockroach problem today!